NBPC Latest News

Laredo Sector Border Patrol Agents Stop Human Smuggling Event involving 120 Illegal Aliens From 5 Different Countries
Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents assigned to the U.S. Border Patrol Checkpoint located northwest of Laredo, Texas stopped a massive HUMAN SMUGGLING event. Border Patrol

OP-ED by Hector Garza: The Aiding and Abetting of Migrant Caravans
by Hector Garza – April 19, 2019 The crisis at the southern border is no accident. It’s the intentional result of deliberate efforts by liberal

National Border Patrol Council VP: McAleenan has a ‘tough job’ ahead
National Border Patrol Council Vice President Hector Garza, who is also a border patrol agent, said U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan’s

OP ED by Brandon Judd: Cross-designate and train Border Patrol agents as asylum officers with limited authority to conduct “credible fear” interviews.
ANALYSIS/OPINION: Recently on his Fox Business Network show, Lou Dobbs decried the state of border security and illegal immigration. His anger was palpable and his points were

There is a national emergency on our border — Here’s proof
National Border Patrol Council President: There is a national emergency on our border — Here’s proof As a 21-year front line veteran Border Patrol agent

Fox News Todd Starnes Show and NBPC VP Art Del Cueto
Fox News Todd Starnes speaks with National Border Patrol Vice President Art Del Cueto about the dangers agents face at the border. Click on the

Brandon Judd: Border Wall ‘Only Humanitarian Way’ to Prevent Deaths like Migrant Girl
Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said a border wall is “the only humanitarian way” to deal with a “crisis” of migration

NBPC VP Hector Garza discusses the events related to the tragic death of a minor at the border!
NBPC Vice President Hector Garza discusses the events related to the tragic death of a minor at the border! “If Liberals, ACLU, and Politicians really

Why Congress should fund Trump’s border wall!
Fox Business – National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd on how President Trump threatened to shut down the federal government, if Congress doesn’t