Article 26 L
No disciplinary action may be taken for failure to submit a travel voucher or repay a travel advance until all procedures of Article 26 have
No disciplinary action may be taken for failure to submit a travel voucher or repay a travel advance until all procedures of Article 26 have
Absent emergency circumstances, supervisors will allow sufficient time during regularly schedule tours of duty for preparation of travel vouchers.
The Agency agrees to make every effort to avoid requiring employees to perform continuous automobile travel for more than eight hours in any workday or
No derogatory material of any nature which might reflect adversely upon the employee’s character or Agency career will be placed in his or her electronic
Any employee who has been injured or incapacitated on the job and able to perform light duty will be assigned to such duties that he
In directing employees to undergo a fitness for duty exam, the Agency is required to observe applicable rules and regulation. The applicable regulation is at
When employees or their representatives report an illness or injury has occurred in the performance of official duties, the employees at their request will be
If you have any questions about the applicability of the Federal Employee Compensation Act (FECA) and its application in OWCP matters, there are two very
An employee should obey a supervisor’s lawful order and grieve the order later if the employee believes the order was in violation of a negotiated