National Border Patrol Council


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The Border Crisis Continues

During the State of the Union address on March 1, 2022, President Biden said, “Folks, if we are to advance liberty and justice, we need

Article 28 G

When practical, an employee will be given at least 24 hours advance notice of individual shift changes. Individuals involved in a change of shifts should

Article 19 A

In directing employees to undergo a fitness for duty exam, the Agency is required to observe applicable rules and regulation. The applicable regulation is at

Article 17 G

When an employee believes he or she is being required to work under conditions which are unsafe or unhealthy beyond normal hazards inherent in the

Article 4 H

Any inquiry into an employee’s off-duty conduct must be based on an activity which, if verified, would have a nexus to the employee’s official position.

Article 4 I

The Union will be given the opportunity to be represented at any formal discussion between one or more management representatives and one or more bargaining

national border patrol council
About the

National Border Patrol Council

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) is the exclusive representative of approximately 18,000 Border Patrol Agents and support personnel assigned to the U.S. Border Patrol. The U.S. Border Patrol falls under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Under DHS, the Border Patrol is under the direction of Customs and Border Protection (CBP).