National Border Patrol Council


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The Border Crisis Continues

During the State of the Union address on March 1, 2022, President Biden said, “Folks, if we are to advance liberty and justice, we need

Article 26 L

No disciplinary action may be taken for failure to submit a travel voucher or repay a travel advance until all procedures of Article 26 have

Article 28 B

Assignment of tours of duty shall be posted five days in advance in the appropriate work area covering at least a two-week period.

Obey Now, Grieve Later

An employee should obey a supervisor’s lawful order and grieve the order later if the employee believes the order was in violation of a negotiated

Article 33 E

Step I – Informal grievances must be filed within thirty calendar days after the incident occurs. This time limit will not apply where it is

Article 17 G

When an employee believes he or she is being required to work under conditions which are unsafe or unhealthy beyond normal hazards inherent in the

national border patrol council
About the

National Border Patrol Council

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) is the exclusive representative of approximately 18,000 Border Patrol Agents and support personnel assigned to the U.S. Border Patrol. The U.S. Border Patrol falls under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Under DHS, the Border Patrol is under the direction of Customs and Border Protection (CBP).