Article 33 E
Step I – Informal grievances must be filed within thirty calendar days after the incident occurs. This time limit will not apply where it is
Step I – Informal grievances must be filed within thirty calendar days after the incident occurs. This time limit will not apply where it is
The Agency will provide the Union the opportunity to be represented at any examination of an employee in the unit by a representative of the
Where mutually agreeable to all employees affected, and approved by the supervisor, employees may trade shifts out of the normal rotation. The supervisor will not
When practical, an employee will be given at least 24 hours advance notice of individual shift changes. Individuals involved in a change of shifts should
The Agency agrees that it will attempt to assign consecutive days off duty consistent with the Agency’s mission. Assigned days off will be assigned by
Except in emergency, the Agency agrees to schedule eight hours between changes in shifts, and when practical, will schedule more time between shifts.
Assignment of tours of duty shall be posted five days in advance in the appropriate work area covering at least a two-week period.
Except for training courses, details away from the normal duty station will not exceed 35 calendar days, unless the employee volunteers for a longer period.
The Agency agrees that for operational details requiring advance planning, as much advance notice as possible will be given to employees selected for the detail.