The National Border Patrol Council calls on Rep. Lacy Clay to permanently remove the anti-police painting that he has chosen to hang in the US Capitol. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the other law eneforcement officers who have called for Rep. Clay to take that action. The painting has no place in the seat of the United States government.
The National Border Patrol Council believes strongly in the first amendment and the right to free expression. The decision to highlight and promote this painting in the United States Capitol however, goes beyond any sense of decency. At a time when tensions between citizens and law enforcement officers, and between racial groups are at high levels, this display of this painting only further exacerbates this problem. Also, to depict law enforcement officers as less than human plays to the same complaint that groups have about law enforcement, when they are accused of not treating those they encounter humanely.
Finally, Congress has very serious business to conduct as they attempt to fix many of the problems the country currently faces. This issue only serves to distract legislators from the job they were elected to do. Too much time has already spent debating this issue, it is time for it to be done so we can move on.