NBPC Admin

NBPC is Granted Exclusive Recognition by DOJ

On June 21, 1967, the National Council of Border Patrol Lodges was granted exclusive recognition by the Department of Justice (DOJ). Our organization would later become known as the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) and recognized as the exclusive representative for all nonprofessional employees assigned to Border Patrol sectors throughout the country. Prior to this […]

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CBP Nationwide Encounters by Month (2020 to April 2023)

The data clearly illustrates when the invasion started. Yes, there will always be those who attempt entry, but this administration played a direct role in the current crisis with policies that facilitated cartel operations and rewarded those who entered illegally. Encounter data includes U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Title 8 Apprehensions, Office of Field Operations (OFO)

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Border Patrol Monthly Apprehensions (2012 – Present)

On April 27, 2022, while testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, “We inherited a broken and dismantled system that is already under strain.” The data illustrates when the system broke and it corresponds with the dates and actions that the administration took to dismantle an effective

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New CBP Pursuit Policy Encourages Smugglers to Evade

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued a new pursuit policy that purports to be about saving lives, but in reality, it is more about making it almost impossible for Border Patrol Agents, Customs and Border Protection Officers, and other law enforcement officers (LEO) in CBP to do their jobs. It essentially absolves smugglers of all

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NBPC Endorses Governor Mike DeWine for Re-election

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 14, 2022 TUCSON, AZ – Today, National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) President Brandon Judd issued the following statement after the NBPC officially endorsed Mike DeWine for re-election as Governor of Ohio: “We are proud to endorse Ohio Governor Mike DeWine for re-election. Mike DeWine is a leader of principle and conviction

NBPC Endorses Governor Mike DeWine for Re-election Read More »

NBPC Statement on President Biden’s Del Rio Disaster

As Border Patrol agents, we place ourselves in dangerous situations every day because we took an oath to uphold the Constitution and enforce the laws of this nation. President Biden took that same oath. Unlike President Biden, we take our oath seriously. President Biden reappeared today, after the chaos that he and his administration created

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