National Border Patrol Council


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hazardous duty lawsuit

NBPC Hazardous Duty Lawsuit Update

On March 3, 2022, the NBPC filed its lawsuit regarding our members’ claims to be paid hazardous duty pay. The NBPC lawsuit currently has over

NBPC Migrant Protection Protocols Concerns

Like his predecessors, President Biden will largely determine the success or failure of the U.S. Border Patrol and whether both the economic and physical wellbeing

Article 17 A

The Agency agrees to provide safe and healthful working conditions, taking into account the mission of the Agency and the inherent hazards of the job

Obey Now, Grieve Later

An employee should obey a supervisor’s lawful order and grieve the order later if the employee believes the order was in violation of a negotiated

Article 26 N

The Agency agrees that for operational details requiring advance planning, as much advance notice as possible will be given to employees selected for the detail.

Article 4 G

An employee has the right to freely communicate with the appropriate member of the following offices concerning individual personnel matters: 1. the Servicing Human Resources

Article 26 O

Except for training courses, details away from the normal duty station will not exceed 35 calendar days, unless the employee volunteers for a longer period.

national border patrol council
About the

National Border Patrol Council

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) is the exclusive representative of approximately 18,000 Border Patrol Agents and support personnel assigned to the U.S. Border Patrol. The U.S. Border Patrol falls under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Under DHS, the Border Patrol is under the direction of Customs and Border Protection (CBP).